发布时间:1970-01-01 08:00:00
发布时间:1970-01-01 08:00:00
以下关于黑茶(Dark Tea)茶叶的中英文对译来源于我们收集整理,如有错误地方请给我们留言更正。谢谢!
Chinese-English Contrast of the Names of Place and Tea
1、天尖、贡尖 Tianjian Dark Tea / Gongjian Dark Tea
A series of dark tea products which were listed as articels of tribute in ancient times.
2、千两茶 Qianliang Tea
Compressed dark tea made by traditional manual method, and packed with bamboo basket, it’s about 36.25 kilogram.
3、官茶 Official Tea
The tea was controlled by the feudal government in order tl exchange horses with the minories in the Northwest in ancient China.
4、茯砖茶 Fu Drick Tea
It was also called “Official Tea” in ancient times,which was used to exchange horses with the minories in the Northwest, The charactistic technique of the tea is fungus growing, so it was also called “the Mysterious Tea on the Ancient Silk Road” in China.
5、老青茶 Laoqing Dark Tea
Produced in Hubei and Lingxiang county of Hunan and dried in the sun during primary processing.
6、青砖 Qing Brick Tea
Processed from Laoqing Dark Tea, it’s mainly sold to Mongolia and Russia.
7、帽盒茶 Maohe Tea
The shape of the tea like hat, two teas put in a box..
8、洞砖 Dong Brick Tea
The predecessor of Qing Drick Tea, it originated in Yangloudong Town of Hubei.
9、米砖 Mi Brick Tea
Compressed with black tea fanning, it’s also called Xiaojing Drick Tea.
10、小京砖 Xiaojing Drick Tea
Compressed with black tea fanning in Hubei ,it’s mainly sold to Mingolia and Russia.
11、泾阳砖 Jingyang Dark Tea
The predecessor of Fu Drick Tea,which was manually produced in Jingyang of Shǎnxi.
12、普洱茶 Pu’er Tea
The dark tea produced in “Pu’er” areas of Yunnan Province.
13、府茶 Governmental Tea
The dark tea was controlled by the feudal government in order to exchange horses with the minories in the Northwest in ancient China.
14、四保贡茶 Sibao Tribute Tea
The dark tea which produced in Anhua county of Hunan was listed as tribute supplied to imperial palace.
15、擂茶 Lei Tea
The tea made from rice, ginger, tea, etc. It is the custom of drinking Lei Tea in Anhua of Hunan.
16、牌楼牌米砖 Pailou Brand Mi Brick tea
The Mi Brick Tea with the patterns of Chinese ancient decorated archway on the surface of it.
17、川字茶 Chuanzi Dark tea
The Qing Brick Tea with the character “川” on the surface of it.
18、凤凰牌米砖 Phoenix Brand Mi Brick Tea
The Mi Brick Tea with the pattern of phoenix on the surface of it.
19、火车头牌米砖 Locomotive Brand Mi Brick Tea
The Mi Brick Tea with the pattern of Locomotive on the surface of it.
20、饼茶 Caky tea
The tea with the shape of round cake.
上一篇 : 黑茶茶艺介绍 黑茶饮用的方法
下一篇 : 解读百年“茶碑”安化黑茶禁碑